Joe Wheeler EMC customers can text and/or email power outages directly to our Outage Management System by using the following directions:
Locate your:
- Account/Member number
- Meter number on your bill
Your bill should match one of the following examples. The location of your Account/Member and Meter numbers is highlighted in yellow.
Register your:
- Smart phone
- Email address
You can register up to FIVE smartphones and/or email addresses (i.e., other members of your household.) If you have multiple accounts with JWEMC, you will need to register your smartphones and/or email addresses with each account.
The following is the registration process:
Register Your Email Address
You should follow the same instructions as for texting; use your email application to send this information to
Once you have your smartphones and email addresses registered this step will only have to be repeated to add new:
- Smart phones
- Email addresses
You are now ready to report any power outages that you might have in the future.
Report Outage with Email Address
To report your power outage from your email address, you should follow the same instructions as for texting; only use your email application to send this information to our power outage email.
Commands that can be texted or emailed to our Outage Management System:
Command | Expected Function |
LIST | List 1-5 Addresses Enrolled on SMS/Email Account Number |
CANCEL | LIST based per Enrolled Address, or if only one found-Cancel Reported Outage |
STOP | Opt-Out of ALL SMS |
START | Re-subscribe ALL SMS |
POWEROUT | LIST based per Enrolled Address, or if only one found-Report Outage |
REMOVE | LIST based per Enrolled Address, or if only one found-Remove from Table |
REG | Register – account number and meter number to enroll with email or SMS |