Peace of Mind, now included for FREE!
At FlashFiber, we think peace of mind should just be part of the package.
FlashFiber is giving who have our most popular family packages access to world-class parental controls, ExperienceIQ. FOR FREE!
Starting this month, ExperienceIQ will be installed on your FlashFiber Home app at no cost to you on all residential 1 Gbps and 2 Gbps packages.
So, what is ExperiencelQ?
A service that protects your children or grandchildren from harmful or inappropriate content, limits screen time on devices or applications, and displays online usage through our enhanced parental control app.
How is this going to benefit your family?
• Block inappropriate categories like pornography or violence.
• Block applications that you deem inappropriate (e.g. gaming applications like Call of Duty, or social applications like Snapchat.)
• Set time limits for specific applications, like TikTok, to cap screen time.
• Set safe search and YouTube restrictions to block harmful or inappropriate content when searching Google, Bing, or YouTube. YouTube Restriction also blocks all comments on videos, which often include improper language.
• View usage for all devices to better understand HOW the internet is being used in your home.
• Prioritize application groups or specific devices to ensure the best possible experiences for your most important needs.
Are you a FlashFiber 500 Mbps customer and would like the peace of mind of ExperienceIQ Parental Protections? Visit and add it to your package for only $8 a month.
Here’s how to get started with your ExpereienceIQ Parental Controls.