- JWEMC is responsible for installing all transformers and metering.
- 200 Amp services will utilize plug-in meters and the customer/developer is responsible for providing and installing the plug-in meter base.
- 400 to 600 Amp services will utilize bolt-in meters and the customer/developer is responsible for providing and installing the bolt-in meter base.
- 800 Amp services and above will be secondary CT metered and JWEMC is responsible for furnishing all of the necessary equipment for the metering facility.
- If metering is via a plug-in or bolt-in meter base, customer/developer is responsible for providing and installing grounding using an 8 feet copper or copper-clad ground rod at the meter point. On CT meter jobs, JWEMC will install the grounding at the meter.
- If metering is via a plug-in or bolt-in meter base, the meter base is to be mounted such that the center of the meter is approximately 5 feet above ground.
- On plug-in or bolt-in meter jobs, if the main breaker is more than 10 feet from the meter then a suitable disconnect switch must be mounted immediately adjacent to the meter base.
- Customer/developer is responsible for providing a concrete transformer pad per JWEMC construction specifications as necessary for 3-phase transformers. JWEMC will provide the pad for all single-phase transformers.
Transformers and Metering