1. All primary conduit shall be 2 inches inside the lot line or 5 feet from the back of the easement as specified by the Engineer.
  2. The trench shall be clean, level and as straight as possible.
  3. All trenches shall have marking tape installed with 6 inches of backfill over conduit, then again with 1 foot 6 inchesof backfill on top of the first tape. The marking tape will be furnished by JWEMC located at 25700 Alabama Highway 24 in Trinity.
  4. All primary conduits shall have a minimum of 3 feet 6 inches and a maximum of 5 feet of cover at finished grade.
  5. All secondary, lighting, or services shall have a minimum of 3 feet and a maximum of 5 feet of cover at finished grade except at street crossings, which shall have a minimum of 3 feet 6 inches of cover.
  6. Following required inspections, all trenches shall be back filled and compacted by developer/contractor. Any additional fill required due to settlement of back fill shall be developer/contractor’s responsibility.