- Customer/developer is responsible for all underground conduit, both primary and secondary, to include the trench. JWEMC should be notified for an inspection when the ditch is open and conduit installed.
- Customer/developer is responsible for furnishing and installing, including transformer connections, all underground secondary wiring.
- JWEMC is responsible for providing all underground primary wiring to include the cable and the necessary connectors.
- 3-phase primary conduit is to be 5 inches conduit and be buried 48 inches to the top of conduit minimum unless other suitable means, such as concrete cover, is utilized. Variation from the 48 inches cover requirement should be approved in writing by JWEMC prior to the conduit being installed. The in-ground conduit may be PVC gray stick conduit, red HDPE roll-type conduit, or galvanized stick conduit, but all elbows are to be long-radius sweeping galvanized elbows.
- Single-phase primary conduit is the same as the three-phase conduit only in 2 ½ inches size.
- All underground conduit is to be marked with red marking tape or similar installed approximately 1 foot above the top of the conduit. JWEMC will furnish the marking tape if requested.
- Customer/developer is responsible for providing the conduit for all primary dip pole risers. This conduit is to be 5 inches galvanized rigid conduit. Customer/developer is also responsible for furnishing a 5 inches grounding bushing for the conduit as well as the hardware to mount the pipe to the riser pole. JWEMC will install the pipe up the pole with the furnished hardware.
- Customer/developer is responsible for sizing all secondary conduit and wire. The secondary conduit is to be buried 36 inches to the top of conduit unless other suitable means, such as a concrete cover or similar, is utilized.
- Customer/developer is responsible for installing a pull string in each conduit.
- Where conduit will be under concrete or paved surfaces, installation of a spare conduit is highly recommended.
Underground Primary & Secondary Conduits