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There are no upcoming events at this time.

There are no upcoming events at this time.

How can I sign up?

Register your interest at FlashFiber today! Members in Phase 1 will be connected first. A representative will contact you via email when service is available with instructions on how to sign up for service.

What speeds will be offered, and what is the monthly cost?

Visit the Residential Services and Business Services pages to find out more about current pricing.

There will be no contracts for these services and no installation fees during the initial construction period. Internet and phone services will be billed separately from power and natural gas.

With all service levels of Flash Fiber, a Wi-Fi management service will be included, ensuring that when you call us, you get the customer service and technical support you need when you need it. It also includes whole-home Wi-Fi, which ensures that you have the fastest speed delivered throughout your entire home. You already trust Joe Wheeler EMC as your energy source. We want to be your trusted internet provider, too.

When will fiber service be available?

The first phase of FlashFiber Internet is underway, with engineering and preparation completed and construction starting at the end of 2020. The first sections of Phase 1 to have access to fiber internet service should be available in early 2021. As progress continues on Phase 1, more areas will come online until Phase 1 is complete. Phase 1 is scheduled for completion in 2022. To see if your home or business can receive service visit FlashFiber and enter your address.

What is fiber internet anyway, and why is it better?

A fiber connection gets its name from the small glass fibers used to transmit data. Information can be transmitted through these glass fibers as pulses of light and are capable of carrying large amounts of data much faster than other internet technology. Fiber offers the most reliable, most secure, and fastest upload and download speeds available now and in the future!

How is Joe Wheeler EMC going to do this project?

We will do this in 3 phases.

  • Phase 1 will start with the center of the Joe Wheeler Electric service area. This first ring of fiber will connect our substations and offices to improve the quality and reliability of our electric service as well as get fiber drops to residents and businesses along the way.
  • Phase 2 will be on the east side of our service area.
  • Phase 3 will be on the west side of the service area. Follow our progression in the Alabama Living magazine and on social media. Eventually, at the end of four years, we will make world-class, fiber internet service available to All Joe Wheeler EMC members!
Why are you doing this?

Installing fiber will allow Joe Wheeler EMC to enhance the quality and reliability of its electric service and bring the fastest internet speeds available anywhere in the country to our members.

What is FlashFiber?

FlashFiber Internet is a broadband internet service built with fiber, bringing the highest available internet speeds for a competitive price to our members. We are very excited about how this can transform where we live, work and go to school!

Other Generator Hazards

Generator use:

  • Is also a major cause of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning
  • Should only be used in well ventilated areas
Effects of Backfeed
  • The problem of backfeed in electrical energy is:
    • A potential risk for electrical energy workers
  • Electrocutions are the fifth leading cause of all reported occupational deaths

Following the safety guidelines below can reduce this risk.

Electrical Safety and Generators

Preventing Electrocutions Associated with Portable Generators Plugged Into Household Circuits.

When power lines are down, residents can use another power source such as a portable generator to restore energy to:

  • Their homes
  • Other structures

If water has been present anywhere near electrical circuits and electrical equipment. Turn off the:

  • Power at the main breaker
  • Fuse on the service panel

Do not turn the power back on until electrical equipment has been inspected by a qualified electrician.

If it is necessary to use a portable generator, the following must be strictly followed:

  • Manufacturer recommendations
  • Specifications

If there are any questions regarding the operation or installation of the portable generator, a qualified electrician should be immediately contacted to assist in:

  • Installation
  • Start-up activities

The generator should always be positioned outside the structure.

Gasoline & Diesel Powered Portable Generators

When using gasoline- and diesel-powered portable generators to supply power to a building, switch the main breaker or fuse on the service panel to the "off" position prior to starting the generator.


  • Prevents power lines from being inadvertently energized
  • Helps protect from possible electrocution, including:
    • Utility line workers
    • Other repair workers
    • People in neighboring buildings

If the generator is plugged into a household circuit without turning the main breaker to the “off” position or removing the main fuse, the electrical current could:

  • Reverse, go back through the circuit to the outside power grid
  • Energize power lines or electrical systems:
    • In other buildings to at or near their original voltage
    • Without the knowledge of utility or other workers
Power Line Hazards and Cars
  • If a power line falls on a car you should stay inside the vehicle (This is the safest place to stay)
  • Warn people not to touch the car or the line
  • Call or ask someone to call:
    • The local cooperative
    • Emergency services

The only circumstance in which you should consider leaving a car that is in contact with a downed power line is if the vehicle catches on fire:

  1. Open the door (Do not step out of the car. You may receive a shock)
  2. Jump free of the car so that your body clears the vehicle before touching the ground
  3. Once you clear the car, shuffle at least 50 feet away with both feet on the ground

As in all power line related emergencies, call for help immediately by:

  • Dialing 911
  • Calling your electric utility company's Service Center/Dispatch Office

Do not try to help someone else from the car while you are standing on the ground.

Keep a Safe Distance

Whether you are playing outdoors with your children or working on landscaping projects, keep a safe distance from:

  • Power lines
  • Other equipment your co-op uses to get electricity to your home

Always remember:

  • To stay away from:
    • Power lines
    • Meters
    • Transformers
    • Electrical boxes
  • Don’t climb trees near power lines
  • Never fly:
    • Kites
    • Remote control airplanes
    • Balloons near power lines
  • If you get something stuck in a power line:
    • Call your Energy co-op to get it
  • Keep a safe distance from overhead power lines when:
    • Working with ladders
    • Installing objects such as antennas
  • When there is a downed power line:
    • Keep children and pets away
    • Never touch anything that may be touching a downed wire, such as a car
    • Never touch or go near a downed power line
Power Line Safety

Accidentally contacting a power line can be:

  • Dangerous
  • Sometimes deadly

Joe Wheeler EMC wants to help our members stay safe around power lines.

Safety Videos

TLC "Safe on the Bus"

Outdoor Youth Safety 30 Seconds

Home Project Safety

Concern for Community

While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies accepted by their members.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives

Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.

Education, Training, and Information

Cooperatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperatives. They inform the general public, particularly young people and opinion leaders, about the nature and benefits of cooperation.

Autonomy and Independence

Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members. If they enter into agreements with other organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their cooperative autonomy.

Members’ Economic Participation

Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their cooperative. At least part of that capital is usually the common property of the cooperative. Members usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of membership. Members allocate surpluses for any or all of the following purposes: developing the cooperative, possibly by setting up reserves, part of which at least would be indivisible; benefiting members in proportion to their transactions with the cooperative; and supporting other activities approved by the membership.

Democratic Member Control

Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. The elected representatives are accountable to the membership. In primary cooperatives, members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote) and cooperatives at other levels are organized in a democratic manner.

Voluntary and Open Membership

Cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.

Who Have They Helped?

Operation WARM raises local money to help local families in need. Your generous donations stay in our communities giving assistance when it is most needed.

What Is Operation WARM?

Operation WARM is a limited area energy program offered through Community Action of North Alabama which provides assistance on a one-time basis to persons who are elderly, handicapped, or in health crisis situations. Funding is provided by residents of Morgan and Lawrence counties through donations of $1 or more above their monthly electric bills. Whether it’s a young family struggling with unemployment or a senior adult living on a meager income, families all over our area can have hope – and heat – through Operation WARM.

The Rules


This opportunity is open to all high school juniors (11th grade):

    • Attending school in Lawrence or Morgan counties
    • Living in the Joe Wheeler EMC service territory
    • With at least 1 parent or legal guardian being a member of Joe Wheeler EMC

At least 1 student will be selected from each school with qualifying applicants:

  • Homeschooled and small private schools will be grouped together as 1 "school"
  • If that student is unable to attend:
    • A runner-up will be selected to fill the spot from that school
  • Students interested in participating must complete an application and submit it to:
    • Michael Cornelison, JWEMC’s Youth Tour Coordinator
  • Students will be notified of their selection by January 14, 2022
  • Selected students must have the approval of your:
    • Guidance counselor
    • Principal
  • Family members of JWEMC employees are not eligible to apply

Applications must be completed fully and received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, January 14, 2022 (Deadline Extended)

Youth Tour Functions

Students selected must attend all JWEMC Youth Tour functions. Failure to attend all portions of the Montgomery trip:

  • Will make a student ineligible for the Washington Youth Tour and a runner-up will be selected to attend

Before the Montgomery Youth Tour, all 15 students attending will interview:

  • To be selected as 1 of 5 winners of an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. in June
  • At the JWEMC Trinity office on President's Day

Student Selections

During the Montgomery Youth Tour, the 5 Washington Youth Tour students will be selected based on their:

  • Applications
  • Interviews
  • Participation
  • Cooperation

The students selected for the Washington Youth Tour will be informed after returning from Montgomery. All decisions made by the selection committee are final.

*Due to COVID concerns, some or all parts of the Youth Tour may be altered or canceled without notice.

Fill Out the 2022 Youth Tour Application

If you need a paper application, please contact Michael Cornelison at (256) 552-2300.

Washington Youth Tour

The 2022 Washington Youth Tour will be June 19 to 24. For an activity-filled week, JWEMC delegates will join:

  • Students from around Alabama
  • Hundreds of other high-school students from around the country

Highlights from the Washington Youth Tour trip include:

Visits to Capitol Hill

  •  AREA coordinates meetings with U.S. Representatives and Senators from Alabama
  • Students discuss government and current issues with many other elected officials
  • Lawmakers answer questions on everything from energy policy to world affairs


  • Students tour the following attractions in the Washington, D.C., area:
    • Arlington National Cemetery
    • Mount Vernon
    • FDR Memorial
    • Jefferson Memorial
    • Vietnam, Korean, World War II and Iwo Jima memorials
    • Lincoln Memorial
    • Smithsonian and the Holocaust Museum
    • Newseum
    • Madame Toussaud’s Wax Museum
    • Live performance at the Kennedy Center

Youth Day

In addition to taking in the sights and sounds of the nation’s Capitol all the state groups convene for Youth Day to hear from public figures.

During Youth Day, students listen to inspirational speakers who:

  • Challenge individuals of all ages that despite difficult circumstances, you can take responsibility and be empowered

Youth Leadership Council

Each year, many Washington Youth Tour winners in Alabama interview for an opportunity to represent our state on NRECA’s annual Youth Leadership Council (YLC):

  • The council is comprised of 1 student representative from:
    • Each state that participates in NRECA’s Youth Leadership Conference
  • The students help direct the focus of:
    • Youth programs and learn more extensive leadership skills

Alabama’s YLC Delegate will attend a special leadership conference in Washington, D.C., as well as the NRECA annual meeting.

*Due to COVID concerns, some or all parts of the Youth Tour may be altered or canceled without notice.

Montgomery Youth Tour

The 2023 Montgomery Youth Tour will be held March 14 to 16, with approximately:

  • 150 high school students representing 17 participating cooperatives from around the state

Students will:

  • Participate in leadership sessions on:
    • Rising above negative peer pressure
    • The importance of teamwork
  • Attend a special dinner where they can enjoy a:
    • Dance
    • Photo booth
    • Other activities
  • Tour the:
    • Alabama Department of Archives
    • Alabama State House
    • Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church
    • Alabama Capitol
    • Civil Rights Memorial
  • Meet with:
    • Local Legislators
    • Community leaders
  • Take part in several team-building activities with Cea Cohen Elliott
Why does JWEMC send students on the Youth Tour?

The goals of the tours are to provide the opportunity for outstanding young people to increase their knowledge and understanding of :

  • The value of rural electrification
  • Historical and political environment of the nation’s capital through visits to:
    • Monuments
    • Government buildings
    • Cooperative organizations
  • How the federal government works by visiting elected officials
Stay Happy, Healthy and Warm
  • Coordinate with neighbors for the care of the elderly and disabled living alone.
  • Maintain a supply of prescriptions, nonprescription drugs, vitamins and special dietary foods.
  • Playing cards, books, drawing and writing supplies, and board games help pass the time. If you have a video camera and tapes, your family can make a storm documentary.
  • Keep sanitary and personal hygiene supplies replenished. Premoistened cleansing towelettes are useful and help conserve water.
  • Use plastic trash bags and ties for garbage.
  • Put first-aid kits in your home and car.
  • Make sure you have cold weather clothing, foul weather gear, blankets and sleeping bags.
  • Consider purchasing alternative UL-approved heating devices. For example, a fireplace insert or wood stove will keep the heat in your home instead of up the chimney.
  • Use flashlights and another battery-operated lighting instead of candles.
  • Keep fire extinguishers fully charged.
  • Fill your bathtub with water for bathroom use before the storm (if you have a well).

Check to see current weather conditions on The Weather Channel website.

Keep Things Going
  • Keep plenty of gas in your car.
  • Keep extra batteries, matches, propane, charcoal, and firewood.
Stay In Touch
  • Have a portable, battery-powered radio and alarm clock.
  • Have 1 non-portable phone that will work even if power is interrupted.
  • Plan where to meet and how to communicate with family members if separated.
    Keep essential family member contact information near your phone, in your wallet, and in your glove compartment.
Have Plenty of Food
  • Keep a 3 to 5 day supply of drinking water in plastic bottles. Plan on at least 1 gallon of water per person, per day.
  • Store a manual can opener with enough nonperishable foods for 3 to 5 days. Canned meats, tuna fish and peanut butter are good foods to store. Don’t forget pet foods!
  • Conserve water by using paper plates and plastic utensils.
  • Have a camp stove or grill for outdoor cooking.
Right of Way Procedures

Routine Right of Way Clearing

Routine Right of Way clearing activities will be performed to:

  • Accomplish a 4-year clearing cycle to maximize productivity
  • Maximize benefits from Right of Way funding
  • Minimize power interruptions

During routine Right of Way maintenance:

  • All trees within the Right of Way will be removed wherever possible
  • The right of Way width for:
      • Single-phase lines is 30 feet
      • 3-phase lines is 40 feet

Between trees and energized conductors:

  • 15 feet of clearance will be maintained
  • A minimum clearance of 10 feet must be obtained (In special situations)

Property owners will be notified in advance whenever possible of any Right of Way clearing activities that need to be performed on their property.

Service Lines

Trees around secondary or service lines will be trimmed:

  • To provide only 3 feet of clearance
  • Only during routine maintenance activities

No trimming will be done on service lines between trimming cycles unless:

  • limbs are exerting excessive pressure on the lines

JWEMC will not cut trees, healthy or dead, around service lines.

Property Owners

Property owners will be responsible:

  • For hiring qualified tree removal personnel
  • To safely remove trees adjacent to JWEMC power line Right of Ways

JWEMC will have the line disconnected so that:

  • The property owner may have the tree cut

Trees outside of JWEMC's Right of Way will not be cut unless the:

  • Trees are determined by JWEMC to be endangering primary power lines
  • Removal of these trees will significantly benefit the:
    • Reliability of electrical power
    • Reduce future Right of Way clearance costs

Tree Trimming Requests

Trimming requests submitted by JWEMC personnel and by customers:

  • Will be investigated
  • Work will be done if it is warranted


  • Causing power interruptions will be trimmed before any other tree trimming work is performed
  • Determined not to be an immediate threat to electrical power distribution or public safety will not be trimmed until scheduled routine maintenance
  • Will be trimmed in accordance with the tree trimming methods approved by the:
    • National Arborists Association
    • American National Standards Institute
    • National Arbor Day Foundation

To promote tree health and to reduce re-sprouting, this type of pruning includes:

  • “The Shiago Method”
  • Drop-Crotch Pruning
  • Directional Pruning

Brush, Debris & Trees

Dead brush from herbicide application will not be:

  • Cut down
  • Cleaned up

Brush and debris from tree trimming and Right of Way clearing activities:

  • Will be cleaned up only in actively maintained areas

In non-maintained areas, brush and debris will be:

  • Mowed during routine maintenance
  • Hand-cut into smaller pieces and left on site

Brush and debris will not be cleaned up, if they were due to:

  • Storms
  • Power outages

Stumps of all trees cut by hand will be treated with an approved herbicide to prevent re-sprouting.


What in the world is Right of Way?

Sometimes we have to trim trees around power lines to help ensure that your power and your neighbors’ power will not be interrupted.

Our Right of Way department is more affectionately known to our members as the:

  • Tree Trimming Department

Each JWEMC member agrees:

  • In the membership application to grant us a Right of Way easement
  • Giving us permission to cut and keep clear all trees within an unsafe distance from the power lines

To ensure the health of your trees, Joe Wheeler EMC uses pruning techniques that are recommended by the:

  • International Society of Arboriculture
  • American National Standards Institute
  • National Arbor Day Foundation

View our Right of Way policies, clearing schedule and pruning techniques below.


The following diagrams are guide drawings to assist the developer/contractor with the dimensions and manner in which the conduit is to be stubbed up at equipment including: 3-phase transformers vary in size depending on the actual power requirements and will be supplied to the developer/contractor as needed.

  • An inspection by the Engineer shall verify that these specifications are met. The developer/contractor shall set up an appointment with the Engineer for an inspection before any conduit is covered. JWEMC reserves the right to require the developer/contractor to excavate portions or all of the installation if necessary to assure conformity.
  • No conductor will be pulled before passing this visual inspection. This visual inspection is not the final acceptance of the installation. Final acceptance occurs after the conductor is pulled and energized.
  1. The developer/contractor will furnish and install all conduits for the project as shown on drawing supplied by the Engineer.
  2. All conduit shall be gray schedule 40 electrical grade PVC with galvanized steel sweeping 90-degree elbows.
  3. Where primary conduit extends above ground level at pole locations, the developer shall use galvanized rigid steel conduit. One 10 foot section shall be attached to the galvanized elbow underground and 2 additional 10 foot sections shall be supplied to JWEMC for a total of three 10 foot sections per conduit. A grounding bushing shall be supplied for each conduit.
  4. Where lighting conduit extends above ground level at pole locations, the developer shall attach on 10 foot section of gray schedule 40 electrical grade PVC to the elbow underground and two additional 10 foot sections shall be supplied to JWEMC for a total of three 10 foot sections per conduit.
  5. Conduit sizes shall be as follows unless otherwise specified by the JWEMC Engineer:
  6. Single phase primary 2 ½ inches
  7. 2 or 3 phase primary 5 inches
  8. Security lights 1 inches
  9. 200 amp normal services 2 ½ inches
  10. 400 amp normal services 3 inches
  11. Secondary (between transformers & pedestals) 3
  12. All conduits shall be continuous from one elbow to the next and glued securely so that the conduit will not pull apart when the conductor is pulled through.
  13. Proper connections between galvanized elbows and PVC conduit shall be installed.
  14. For each continuous section of conduit, a suitable pull rope/string/wire shall be installed from one elbow to the next and be secured at each end. The pull rope/string/wire shall not be glued to the conduit.
  15. Each section of conduit shall be blown clean and dry and capped off. This includes elbows to which conduit will be added at a later date.
  16. Developer/contractor shall be responsible for all conduits until after JWEMC has pulled in all wiring in the project.
  1. All primary conduit shall be 2 inches inside the lot line or 5 feet from the back of the easement as specified by the Engineer.
  2. The trench shall be clean, level and as straight as possible.
  3. All trenches shall have marking tape installed with 6 inches of backfill over conduit, then again with 1 foot 6 inchesof backfill on top of the first tape. The marking tape will be furnished by JWEMC located at 25700 Alabama Highway 24 in Trinity.
  4. All primary conduits shall have a minimum of 3 feet 6 inches and a maximum of 5 feet of cover at finished grade.
  5. All secondary, lighting, or services shall have a minimum of 3 feet and a maximum of 5 feet of cover at finished grade except at street crossings, which shall have a minimum of 3 feet 6 inches of cover.
  6. Following required inspections, all trenches shall be back filled and compacted by developer/contractor. Any additional fill required due to settlement of back fill shall be developer/contractor’s responsibility.
  1. An appointment must be made with a JWEMC Engineer to discuss the design, layout, and scheduling of the project. Since these are only general specifications, the Engineer may modify the specifications based on individual project requirements.
  2. Underground facilities may not be feasible for locations with considerable rock
  3. A plan of the subdivision shall be furnished to the Engineer before the initial meeting in both paper and electronic formats.
Motor Loads
  1. The maximum motor size to be operated single-phase at 120 volts alternating current (VAC) via an across the line starter is ¾ horse power (HP).
  2. The maximum motor size to be operated single phase at 240 VAC via an across the line starter is 2 horse power.
  3. The maximum motor size to be operated single phase at 240 VAC using a capacitor, repulsion induction, or repulsion start motor starter is 7 ½ horse power.
  4. Any single phase motors larger than those listed above will require the use of a variable speed drive or some other type of soft start.
  5. 3 phase motors, 10 horsepower to 75 horsepower inclusive, shall be provided with a current limiting starting device which will limit the starting current to 250 percent of the full load current. This will permit the average normal current, normal torque NEMA Design “B” squirrel cage motor of 10 horsepower or less to be started with a magnetic full-voltage starter. Most squirrel cage induction motors, 10 to 75 HP, inclusive, may be started with an auto transformer type starter connected to give a starting voltage of 80% of full voltage.
  6. Induction motors larger than 75-HP shall be of the wound rotor type and shall be started with an increment type starter which will limit the starting current to 15% of the full load running current.
  7. All 3 phase motors shall be protected by approved devices which will protect the motor from overload, single-phasing, under- and over- voltage, and ground faults.
  8. All motor installations, both single-phase and 3-phase, shall comply with Article 430 of the latest version of the NEC ®.

In the JWEMC service territory, the cities of Decatur and Hartselle provide electrical inspections. JWEMC will not connect a new service in these cities or their respective police jurisdictions without proof of an approved inspection.

  1. JWEMC will require that utility easements be designated for projects where primary and/or service lines for one customer cross common property or the property of another customer or entity.
  2. JWEMC requires a 40 feet easement for 3 phase overhead power lines, 20 feet each side of the powerline centerline.
  3. JWEMC requires a 30 feet easement for overhead single phase overhear powerlines, 15 feet each side of the powerline centerline.
  4. JWEMC requires a 10 feet easement for overhead service lines, 5 feet each side of the service line centerline.
  5. JWEMC requires a 15 feet easement for underground primary or secondary lines.
General Information
  1. Customer/developer is responsible for the cost of any and all work required by JWEMC to provide adequate facilities for the proposed service to the project, including any work required not actually on the project site.
  2. JWEMC will design and construct any overhead line modifications required as necessary.
  3. Desired features such as 2-way feeds or throw-over schemes and such should be discussed with JWEMC early to ensure decisions on project design work can adequately account for these type of requirements.
  4. Any generator/transfer switch installations need to be discussed with JWEMC on a case by case basis.
  5. JWEMC will install protective devices to protect our equipment and facilities. It is up to the customer/developer to install adequate protective devices to protect your facilities for things such as over-current, over/under-voltage, or single-phasing occurrences.
  6. Once known, customer/developer is responsible for furnishing protective device settings to JWEMC so that proper coordination between protective devices can be assured. If necessary, settings on customer/developer protective devices will be adjusted to assure proper coordination with JWEMC protective devices.
  7. JWEMC will require the customer/developer to pay an aid-to-construction (ATC) amount based on the cost to install any necessary new equipment and any modifications to existing facilities.
  8. The customer/developer will be required to post a security deposit based on the estimated monthly billing, with the average being approximately 2 times the anticipated monthly bill. This security deposit requirement can be satisfied with cash, check, surety bond, or an irrevocable bank letter of credit.
Transformers and Metering
  1. JWEMC is responsible for installing all transformers and metering.
  2. 200 Amp services will utilize plug-in meters and the customer/developer is responsible for providing and installing the plug-in meter base.
  3. 400 to 600 Amp services will utilize bolt-in meters and the customer/developer is responsible for providing and installing the bolt-in meter base.
  4. 800 Amp services and above will be secondary CT metered and JWEMC is responsible for furnishing all of the necessary equipment for the metering facility.
  5. If metering is via a plug-in or bolt-in meter base, customer/developer is responsible for providing and installing grounding using an 8 feet copper or copper-clad ground rod at the meter point. On CT meter jobs, JWEMC will install the grounding at the meter.
  6. If metering is via a plug-in or bolt-in meter base, the meter base is to be mounted such that the center of the meter is approximately 5 feet above ground.
  7. On plug-in or bolt-in meter jobs, if the main breaker is more than 10 feet from the meter then a suitable disconnect switch must be mounted immediately adjacent to the meter base.
  8. Customer/developer is responsible for providing a concrete transformer pad per JWEMC construction specifications as necessary for 3-phase transformers. JWEMC will provide the pad for all single-phase transformers.
Underground Primary & Secondary Conduits
  1. Customer/developer is responsible for all underground conduit, both primary and secondary, to include the trench. JWEMC should be notified for an inspection when the ditch is open and conduit installed.
  2. Customer/developer is responsible for furnishing and installing, including transformer connections, all underground secondary wiring.
  3. JWEMC is responsible for providing all underground primary wiring to include the cable and the necessary connectors.
  4. 3-phase primary conduit is to be 5 inches conduit and be buried 48 inches to the top of conduit minimum unless other suitable means, such as concrete cover, is utilized. Variation from the 48 inches cover requirement should be approved in writing by JWEMC prior to the conduit being installed. The in-ground conduit may be PVC gray stick conduit, red HDPE roll-type conduit, or galvanized stick conduit, but all elbows are to be long-radius sweeping galvanized elbows.
  5. Single-phase primary conduit is the same as the three-phase conduit only in 2 ½ inches size.
  6. All underground conduit is to be marked with red marking tape or similar installed approximately 1 foot above the top of the conduit. JWEMC will furnish the marking tape if requested.
  7. Customer/developer is responsible for providing the conduit for all primary dip pole risers. This conduit is to be 5 inches galvanized rigid conduit. Customer/developer is also responsible for furnishing a 5 inches grounding bushing for the conduit as well as the hardware to mount the pipe to the riser pole. JWEMC will install the pipe up the pole with the furnished hardware.
  8. Customer/developer is responsible for sizing all secondary conduit and wire. The secondary conduit is to be buried 36 inches to the top of conduit unless other suitable means, such as a concrete cover or similar, is utilized.
  9. Customer/developer is responsible for installing a pull string in each conduit.
  10. Where conduit will be under concrete or paved surfaces, installation of a spare conduit is highly recommended.
Who owns the electric meter?

The smart meters are the property of Joe Wheeler EMC. Even though we do not read your meters in person, we still require that you grant us access to the meter.

Can Joe Wheeler EMC turn my appliances on and off?

No, the meters are not set up to turn your appliances on or off. What happens inside your home is your business, not ours. It is our belief that you, the consumer, are the best person to determine when and how you use electricity. Consumers should be able to use as much power as they can afford to pay for. JWEMC’s job is to deliver that power to your home or business. To control your appliances, both the consumer and JWEMC would have to make additional investments. The consumer would have to buy a smart appliance that had some sort of communication interface. And, JWEMC would have to spend money to upgrade the meters that we have installed to be able to communicate with your appliances.

How did Joe Wheeler EMC pay for the new meters?

The co-op utilized internally generated funds to pay for approximately 60% and borrowed money from cooperatively owned banks for about 40% of the cost of buying and installing the smart meters.

Is my consumption information be shared with the government or other organizations?

The short answer is no. JWEMC has a responsibility to each of you to keep information regarding your account confidential. Your consumption data is not shared with any other organization or the government. Joe Wheeler EMC did not use government grants or loans to fund the installation of the smart meters. The co-op did not want to be obligated in any way to share information should the government ask us to do so.

What makes these meters smart?

The meter contains a memory chip that records consumer usage every 15 minutes. We collect that data at least once per day to use in preparing your monthly power bill.

Do the smart meters emit radio signals?

No, the meters that we installed do not use radio or cellular communications. The meters communicate through the power lines. The power line acts as the communications link.

Why did Joe Wheeler begin installing smart meters?

There were several reasons that JWEMC chose to install smart meters.

  • Lower operating costs: Smart meters help us reduce the costs of reading your meters each month. Joe Wheeler EMC spent close to $550,000 per year to read meters. Those costs went away as the smart meters were installed.
  • Efficiency: The smart meter system was integrated into our outage management system to help determine where outages are more quickly.
  • Improved accuracy: Smart meters help us serve you better. Smart meters eliminate the need to physically read the meter. Smart meters assure we have accurate readings every month, providing customer service representatives with up to the minute information to help answer your questions when you inquire about your account.
  1. Must be factory treated to prevent decay
  2. Must be at least 5 feet in the ground and guyed when necessary
  3. Must be provided and installed by customers
  4. Must be at least 25 foot long
  5. JWEMC will make height determination after visual examination of site

Note: EMT Conduit is not approved for burial. Use schedule 40 or schedule 60, or rigid metal.

Please read the requirements for electric service to mobile homes in the following documents:


Requirements for Electric Service to Mobile Homes (PDF)

Service Requirements
  1. Must complete application.
  2. Must pay construction cost and deposit (if applicable). To apply for permanent residential credit, septic tank approval will be required.
  3. Must obtain building or parking permit (if applicable).
  4. Must obtain easements for right-of-way.
  5. Must obtain meter base from electrical supplier.
  6. Must spot meter pole and guy location if required after mobile home is located on the property.

In case of conflict between any provision of any rate schedule and the Schedule of Rules and Regulations, the rate schedule shall apply.


These Rules and Regulations may be revised, amended, supplemented, or otherwise changed from time to time, without notice. Such changes, when effective shall have the same force as the present Rules and Regulations.


This Schedule of Rules and Regulations is a part of all contracts for receiving electric service from Distributor, and applies to all service received from Distributor, whether the service is based upon contract, agreement, signed application, or otherwise. A copy of this schedule, together with a copy of Distributor’s Schedule of Rates and Charges, shall be kept open to inspection at the offices of Distributor and/or on the website at our website. A customer shall also receive such information upon application for electrical service and anytime upon request. All retail rate actions initiated by Distributor will be communicated to the public via the website and through advertisements in the local newspapers. Also, the customer’s bill will show the energy consumption for the prior 12 months’ billing period, if applicable. See Operational Policy 219 for additional information.

Residential Energy Services Program

Distributor, in fulfillment of the purposes and provisions of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA) and as part of its electric service, may make available funds to eligible electric Customers for energy improvements identified in a survey for the Customer’s dwelling under the Residential Energy Services Program being conducted by Distributor and TVA. Eligible Customers must sign repayment agreements under which the funds made available will be repaid to Distributor. Monthly repayment amounts due for this service will be included as part of the electric bills from Distributor. Except as otherwise agreed in the repayment agreement, the provisions of the section entitled Billing of this Schedule of Rules and Regulations shall apply to bills for the amounts made available by Distributor as part of its electric service for weatherization measures. Distributor may also make available disbursements to participants to encourage the installation and efficient use of electric appliances and devices in dwellings.

Billing Adjusted to Standard Periods

The demand charges and the blocks in the energy charges set forth in the rate schedules are based on billing periods of approximately one month. In the case of the first billing of new accounts (temporary service excepted) and final billing of all accounts (temporary service excepted) where the period covered by the billing involves fractions of a month, the demand charges and the blocks of the energy charges will be adjusted on a basis proportionate with the period of time during which service is extended.

Relocation of Outdoor Lighting Facilities

Distributor shall, at the request of Customer, relocate or change existing Distributor-owned equipment. Customer shall reimburse Distributor for such changes at actual cost including appropriate overheads.

Meter Tests

Distributor will, at its own expense, make periodical tests and inspections of its meters in order to maintain a high standard of accuracy. Distributor will make additional tests or inspections of its meters at the request of Customer. If tests made at Customer’s request show that the meter is accurate within 2%, slow or fast, no adjustment will be made in Customer’s bill, and Distributor’s standard testing charge will be paid by the customer. In case the test shows meter to be in excess of 2% fast or slow, an adjustment shall be made in Customer’s bill over a period of not over 30 days prior to the date of such test, and cost of making test shall be borne by Distributor.

Non-standard Service

Customer shall pay the cost of any special installation necessary to meet his peculiar requirements for service at other than standard voltages, or for the supply of closer voltage regulation than required by standard practice.

Standby and Resale Service

All purchased electric service (other than emergency or standby service) used on the premises of Customer shall be supplied exclusively by Distributor, and Customer shall not directly or indirectly, sell, sublet, assign, or otherwise dispose of the electric service or any part thereof.

Notice of Trouble. Customer shall notify Distributor immediately should the service be unsatisfactory for any reason, or should there be any defects, trouble, or accidents affecting the supply of electricity. Such notices, if verbal, should be confirmed in writing.

Additional Load

The service connection, transformers, meters and equipment supplied by Distributor for each Customer have a definite capacity, and no addition to the equipment or load connected thereto will be allowed except by consent of Distributor. Failure to give notice of additions or changes in load, and to obtain Distributor’s consent for same, shall render Customer liable for any damage to any of Distributor’s lines or equipment caused by the additional or changed installation.

Shortage of Electricity

In the event of an emergency or other condition causing a shortage in the amount of electricity for Distributor to meet the demand on its system, Distributor may, by an allocation method deemed equitable by Distributor, fix the amount of electricity to be made available for use by Customer and/or may otherwise restrict the time during which Customer may make use of electricity and the uses which Customer may make of electricity. If such actions become necessary, Customer may request a variance because of unusual circumstances including matters adversely affecting the public health, safety, and welfare. If Customer fails to comply with such allocation or restriction, Distributor may take such remedial actions as it deems appropriate under the circumstances including temporarily disconnecting electric service and charging additional amounts because of the excess use of electricity. The provisions of the Section entitled Interruption of Service of this Schedule of Rules and Regulations are applicable to any such allocation or restriction.

Voltage Fluctuations Caused by Customer. Electric service must not be used in such a manner as to cause unusual fluctuations or disturbances to Distributor’s system. Distributor may require customer, at his own expense, to install suitable apparatus which will reasonably limit such fluctuations.

Interruption of Service

Distributor will use reasonable diligence in supplying current, but shall not be liable for breach of contract in the event of, or for loss, injury or damage to persons or property resulting from interruptions in service, excessive or inadequate voltage, single-phasing, or otherwise unsatisfactory service, whether or not caused by negligence.

Service Charges for Temporary Service

Customers requiring electric service on a temporary basis may be required by Distributor to pay all costs for connection and disconnection incidental to the supplying and removing of service. This rule applies to circuses, carnivals, fairs, temporary construction, and the like.

Termination of Contract by Customer

Customers who have fulfilled their contract terms and wish to discontinue service must give at least 3 days’ written notice to that effect unless the contract specifies otherwise. Notice to discontinue service prior to the expiration of contract term will not relieve Customer from any minimum or guaranteed payment under any contract or rate.

Connection, Reconnection, and Disconnection Charges

Distributor may establish and collect standard charges to cover the reasonable average cost, including administration, of connecting or reconnecting service, or disconnecting service as provided above. Higher charges may be established and collected when connections and reconnections are performed after normal office hours, or when special circumstances warrant.

Discontinuance of Service by Distributor

Distributor may refuse to connect or may discontinue service for the violation of any of its Rules and Regulations, or for violation of any of the provisions of the Schedule of Rates and Charges, or of the application of Customer or contract with Customer. Distributor may discontinue service to Customer for the theft of current or the appearance of current theft devices on the premises of Customer. The discontinuance of service by Distributor for any causes as stated in the rule does not release Customer from his obligation to Distributor for the payment of minimum bills as specified in the application of Customer or contract with Customer. See Operational Policy 219 for additional information.Upon Distributor’s approval of the customer’s medical necessity, disconnection of service will be postponed for 30 days from the originally scheduled disconnection date to allow customer time to make payment or alternative shelter arrangements. A physician’s statement must be completed by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner licensed to practice in the states of Alabama or Tennessee certifying that the disconnection of electric service would create a life-threatening medical situation for the customer or another permanent resident of the customer’s household. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the medical necessity has been approved by Distributor. A life threatening medical condition does not relieve a customer of the obligation to pay for electric service, including any late fees incurred or other applicable charges. Distributor will only grant this postponement for termination 2 times in a 12 month period. If full payment of the past due amount, including all late fees, is not received by the end of the 30 day postponement period, electric service will be disconnected without further notice. Distributor evaluates weather conditions daily from the National Weather Service for Decatur, Alabama and Huntsville Alabama. In the event the forecasted temperature is expected to exceed 98 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or is expected to be below 32 degrees (F) on that day, Distributor will postpone the disconnection of service of residential customers scheduled for such disconnection due to non-payment. Where disconnection is postponed due to an extreme weather condition, the postponement will not extend beyond the extreme weather condition.

Right of Access

Distributor’s identified employees shall have access to Customer’s premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, testing, repairing, removing, or exchanging any or all equipment belonging to Distributor.

Bills will be rendered monthly and shall be paid at the office of Distributor or at other locations designated by Distributor. Failure to receive a bill will not release Customer from payment obligation. Should bills not be paid by the due date specified on the bill, Distributor may at any time thereafter, upon 5 days’ written notice to Customer, discontinue service. Bills paid after the due date specified on the bill may be subject to additional charges, not to exceed 5%. Should the due date of bill fall on a Sunday or holiday, the business day next following the due date will be held as a day of grace for delivery of payment. Remittances received by mail after the due date will not be subject to such additional charges if the incoming envelope bears United States Postal service date stamp of the due date or any date prior thereto. See Operational Policy 219 for additional information.

Underground Service Lines

Customers desiring underground service lines from Distributor’s overhead system must bear the excess cost incident thereto. Specifications and terms for such construction will be furnished by Distributor on request.

Customer’s Responsibility for Distributor’s Property. All meters, service connections, and other equipment furnished by Distributor shall be, and remain, the property of Distributor. Customer shall provide a space for and exercise proper care to protect the property of Distributor on its premises, and, in the event of loss or damage to Distributor’s property arising from neglect of Customer to care for same, the cost of the necessary repairs or replacements shall be paid by Customer.


Distributor shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to inspect any installation before electricity is introduced or at any later time, and reserves the right to reject any wiring or appliances not in accordance with Distributor’s standards: but such inspection or failure to inspect or reject shall not render Distributor liable or responsible for any loss or damage resulting from defects in the installation, wiring, or appliances, or from violation of Distributor’s rules, or from accidents which may occur upon Customer’s premises.

Customer’s Wiring-Standards

All wiring of the customer must conform to Distributor’s requirements and accepted modern standards, as exemplified by the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code and the National Electrical Code.

Point of Delivery

The point of delivery is the point, as designated by Distributor, on Customer’s premises where the current is to be delivered to building or building premises. All wiring and equipment beyond this point of delivery shall be provided and maintained by Customer at no expense to Distributor.

Application for Service

Each prospective Customer desiring electric service may be required to sign Distributor’s standard form of application for service or contract before service is supplied by the Distributor.

A deposit or suitable guarantee approximately equal to twice the highest monthly bill may be required of any Customer before electric service is supplied. The distributor may at its option return deposit to Customer after one year. Upon termination of service, the deposit may be applied by Distributor against unpaid bills of Customer, and if any balance remains after such application is made, said balance shall be refunded to Customer. See Operational Policy 201 for additional information.

Subdivision Policy

A. A subdivision is a tract of land divided into building lots with individual property lines, easements, and dedicated streets conforming to the requirements of the local governing body as well as all state regulations and intended for the construction of one single or duplex family dwelling per lot. Lot lines shall be contiguous. Each lot shall front on a dedicated street with lots intersecting the street right-of-way.

B. Developer’s Responsibilities:

  1. Provide Joe Wheeler EMC a preliminary copy of design plans and plats as approved by the appropriate governing agency. Forward final plan to Joe Wheeler EMC as soon as approved by the appropriate governing agency.
  2. Sign and return the Contract and Easement Agreement.
  3. Pay aid of construction cost in advance.
  4. Locate the lot corners. Install the permanent survey pins (markers).
  5. Install all primary, secondary and street lighting conductor, conduit per Cooperative’s design and specifications. All service conductor conduits will be the responsibility of the homebuilders.

C. Determination of Costs:

  1. The cost per lot for front footage 0 feet to 200 feet shall be $400 per lot. Anything above 200 foot frontage will be the total cost using standard cooperative estimating procedures.
  2. Plus, total cost for facilities installed at the request of the developer outside the boundaries of the subdivision.
  3. Plus, street lights, cable, and poles. The developer pays the full cost for street light facilities.
  4. Plus, full cost for additional phases required for three phase future requirements, sewage pumps, lift stations, club houses, additional equipment, etc.
  5. Plus, the full cost for non-revenue producing gaps inside the boundaries of the subdivision. This includes wetlands, parks, common areas, etc.
  6. An engineering fee of $1000 will be required for each electrical design plan change required by the developer once the electrical design has been completed.
  7. The developer pays full cost for facilities required to get power to the subdivision.
  8. The above are the costs associated with the development of the subdivision. All costs associated with getting power to individual homes in the subdivision will fall under the residential line extension policy.

D. Facilities serving the subdivision will be designed and constructed in accordance with all applicable codes.

E. Construction will begin when roads are surfaced and surface work is completed to final grades.

F. Facilities constructed by the Cooperative, up to the point of delivery of service, shall become part of the facilities owned, operated, and maintained by the Cooperative. The point of delivery is the location on the member’s premises, as designated by the Cooperative, where the Cooperative will supply electric energy. All wiring equipment beyond this point shall belong to, and be maintained by the member.

G. The Cooperative shall be responsible for operating and maintaining the facilities installed by the Cooperative in accordance with established procedures or providing service of an acceptable standard.

How will I make payments?

There are several ways to deposit funds into your PrePayGo account. You can pay Online at our website, by calling (256) 552-2300, using the JWEMC mobile app, or use one of the Bill Pay Kiosk located at all 3 customer service centers. Of course, you can always visit our offices and make a payment in person.

Can existing members switch?

Of course! All you have to do is contact JWEMC and request a PrePayGo account. Any security deposit that may still be on your account will be credited to your new PrePayGo account after all outstanding account balances are paid.

Is there a minimum payment amount?

There is. Payments must be at least $20. In the event that your account is disconnected, you must put in enough to bring your balance to $50.

Are there any up-front costs?

Yes, a first-time prepayment of $50 must be made to start the account. There is also a $75, non-refundable origination fee for new members. The origination fee for existing members is $25.

Who is eligible?

Almost all residential members are eligible for PrePayGo. Some restrictions do apply, including members on Medical Alert accounts and those with loans or other contracts with JWEMC.

Who is PrePayGo for?

PrePayGo is for individuals who don’t want to or are unable to pay deposits to get the power on. It’s also a good option for anyone who would like to have more control over their monthly power bills. One of the benefits of PrePayGo is the increased awareness of your everyday energy use and, as studies have shown, people using prepaid energy plans have reduced their usage by up to 10%.

How does it work?

Traditionally, you get a bill in the mail charging you for the electricity used over the past 30 days. PrePayGo works differently, you pay for electricity up front and use it until it runs out. Think of it as the electric equivalent of putting gas in your car. When the gauge says you’re low, you stop and fill the tank. If you don’t have enough to fill up, you put in what you can. With PrePayGo, after you’re signed up and the equipment is installed, you pay as much as you want and go about your day. As you use electricity you get updates about your power usage so you’ll have a better idea of how much you’re using. When you get low, just “fill the tank” again. You can pay enough for a couple of days, a week, or months in advance. Because you’re paying for your electricity up front, how much you buy is up to you.

There are no available job openings at this time.

Added Service

Smart Biz

FREE with all 500 Mbps and 1 Gig Business Light Services

  • Smart Biz meets the needs of small businesses with an all-in-one managed service that increases staff productivity, secures critical business systems, and drives customer loyalty.
Learn More
Added Service

Monitoring Package

$60 per Month
  • 50 Mbps symmetrical hardwired fiber connection
  • Precision Power battery back-up.
  • Ideal for monitoring remotely operating equipment.
  • Chicken Houses
  • SCADA equipment
  • Remote security cameras
Monitoring Package Details
Added Service

Dark Fiber Connection

$450 per Month
  • A direct dark fiber between two locations* for a super-fast, ultra-secure private connection. *$450 base price. Prices may vary according to distance and path. Contact fiber sales for more details.

1 Gig* Business Light

$249.95 per Month
  • Includes Calix Smart Biz managed wi-fi for business FREE (a $40 value)

500 Mbps Business Light

$124.95 per Month
  • Includes Calix Smart Biz managed wi-fi for business FREE (a $40 value)

300 Mbps Business Light

$79.95 per Month

2 Gig*

$99.95 per Month
  • Includes modem, router, support, and Protect IQ network security – everything you need to keep you connected!

1 Gig*

$79.95 per Month
  • Includes modem, router, support, and Protect IQ network security – everything you need to keep you connected!

500 Mbps

$59.95 per Month
  • Now Even FASTER!
  • Includes modem, router, support, and Protect IQ network security – everything you need to keep you connected!
Added Service

Smart Biz

  • Smart Biz meets the needs of small businesses with an all-in-one managed service that increases staff productivity, secures critical business systems, and drives customer loyalty.
Learn More
Added Service

Monitoring Package

$60 per month
  • 50 Mbps symmetrical hardwired fiber connection
  • Precision Power battery back-up.
  • Ideal for monitoring remotely operating equipment.
  • Chicken Houses
  • SCADA equipment
  • Remote security cameras
Monitoring Package Details
Added Service

Dark Fiber Connection

$450 per month
  • A direct dark fiber between two locations* for a super-fast, ultra-secure private connection. *$450 base price. Prices may vary according to distance and path. Contact fiber sales for more details.

1 Gig* Business Light

$249.95 per Month
  • Includes Calix Smart Biz managed wi-fi for business FREE (a $40 value)

500 Mbps Business Light

$124.95 per Month
  • Includes Calix Smart Biz managed wi-fi for business FREE (a $40 value)

300 Mbps Business Light

$79.95 per Month

2 Gig*

$99.95 per Month
  • Includes modem, router, support, and Protect IQ network security – everything you need to keep you connected!

1 Gig*

$79.95 per Month
  • Includes modem, router, support, and Protect IQ network security – everything you need to keep you connected!

500 Mbps

$59.95 per Month
  • Now Even FASTER!
  • Includes modem, router, support, and Protect IQ network security – everything you need to keep you connected!

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