District 5
Members of District 5,
I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be able to serve as Joe Wheeler EMC Trustee for District 5. I am fortunate to represent the good people of District 5 in the decision-making processes of our cooperative. The other trustees and I work to make every effort to continue to see that the business of Joe Wheeler EMC continues in a progressive way to continue to deliver to you reliable power at reasonable costs and at the same time providing excellent service.
We held a Strategic planning process and your directors selected 5 strategic values to guide us in serving you in the best way possible. They are Integrity, Respect, Cooperation, Openness, Accountability, and Pride. I believe that these values are essential to JWEMC and hope they communicate our promise to the members to guide this cooperative in the best way possible in the coming years.
This year, your Trustees have worked closely with both management staff and employees to reduce both our expenses and short-term and long-term debt. We are extremely proud of the hard work and dedication of the cooperative’s employees without whom none of these successes could occur.
If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the future of Joe Wheeler, please contact me at the number listed. I will always make time to listen and will do my best to represent the members of District 5.
Linda Owens
Education: Mrs. Owens Graduated from Russellville High School in 1963 before going on to receive her Bachelor of Science Degree from Athens State University. She completed her Master's Degree in Education from the University of North Alabama in 1980. Mrs. Owens also received her Reading Specialist Degree (K to 12) in 2001 and successfully completed the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s Credentialed Cooperative Director Program in February 2014.
Organizations: Mrs. Owens is the Secretary/Treasurer of Joe Wheeler EMC and a board member since June 2013. A member of Fairview The Grace Place Church, a member of Calvary Assembly Church for 30 years – Professional Women Organization, small group leader, part of the cast of the Christmas and Easter productions and call leader for prayer/fasting Mondays. Mrs. Owens was also State President of the Alabama chapter of Kappa Kappa Iotta education sorority. She was President of the Tennessee Valley Reading Council, of which she is still a member, and was a member of the Morgan County Education Association, the Alabama Education Association, and the National Education Association for 33 years. She is presently a member of the Retired Teachers Association and the Alabama Reading Association.
Employment/Work History: Owner/operator of The Pig Stand BBQ in Hartselle. Mrs. Owens taught at Hazelwood Elementary School from 1975 to 1976, then at Danville/Danville-Neel Elementary School for 25 years from 1976 to 2001. She was a Morgan County reading specialist from 2001 to 2007 and is currently a facilitator for the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Leader in ME program.